A keyword is a word that is found in the title or text of a document that indicates the main content or the essence of the document. Keyword searching implies using combinations of these individual keywords (instead of whole sentences) to narrow down or broaden your search results.
You can use keyword searching to find information in the index of a book, on the Internet, in any of our research databases, or in our library catalog.
Online, use the "Advanced Search" function when searching with your keywords. As you find and read articles and webpages, write down other words you come across that describe your topic, words you may not have initially thought of. In this way you are continually refining your keyword list.
Things that narrow your search results:
Things that broaden your search results:
Free web sites are often very good sources of information, but you should always be careful to check a page's validity by asking question such as:
See the links below for more help in evaluating web sites.